NatureS Organic Calcium 200G by Natural Animal Solutions
NatureS Organic Calcium 200G by Natural Animal Solutions
Calcium deficiencies are still a common occurrence in companion animals, despite the claim by many pet foods that their diets are “completeâ€. Since Calcium is the foundation block for building strong teeth and bones, you must ensure that your pet is receiving an adequate intake of bio-available calcium when they are young and growing rapidly. Natural Animal Solutions are proud to bring you one of the only 100% certified organic bio-available calcium products available in the Pet Market, ideal for supporting bone growth. Nature’s Organic Calcium is an organic plant based calcium containing naturally-available zinc, magnesium, boron, iron and other essential nutrients. This high-potency low-dosage formula is easy to supplement for all animals, allows for rapid absorption and is highly cost-effective, with a dose 8 x less than many other products available in the Pet Market.